The Freedom Conversation Podcast

Resisting Transhumanism, Scamdemics, Trans Ideology, CBDC’s and NWO Propaganda and Indoctrination. Bolstering the vital Human and the Physical, Psychological and Spiritual Well-Being of the Human Family. We are at the Trans Crossroads: Either we Resist or we will be forced into a Transhuman World Order.

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3 days ago

more vaccines in Nova Scotia - CBC clip, 
not every clip is an endorsement, 
be the judge.
Venerable Ajahn Punnadhammo will be on my podcast in October!
Auspiciously he responded to my email DURING my podcast recording this morning....Things happen when you tune in. 
The Interrupters -
The Defiant -
Bryan McPherson -
Mudhoney -

6 days ago

Citizens are camping out in the locations to prevent the spraying.These courageous individuals NEED more help!
Cabot and I discuss all the ways you can get informed of get involved.
From Cabot :" We oppose the aerial spraying of glyphosate herbicides in our local forests.To be on our newsletter and to get involved, please email: dontsprayns@gmail.comFor links to maps, articles and other information, see: Facebook page is:
Here’s who you can write:Tim Halman, Minister of the Department of the Environment and Climate Change email: Minister.Environment@novascotia.caTim Houston, Premier of Nova Scotia email: premier@novascotia.caCC your MLA: you can find them…and, please remember to CC
Please write as soon as you can. We look forward to seeing all those cc-d emails!!It doesn’t need to be anything fancy; you can just tell them how you FEEL about spraying clearcuts, mention what area of the province you live in and, if you are near a spray site, you could add that. You might also say that we are already aware that Environment Canada has approved Glyphosate as a herbicide, but that they’ve got it wrong because there are still too many questions about its safety - or words to that effect."

6 days ago

To vote or not to vote? That is the question.
When it comes to "holding your nose and voting for the lesser of two evils," you should refuse to endorse the lies of a corrupt system."
Collapse Life Substack article :
Bryan McPherson - Live free or die : 

6 days ago

Robert Strang is the Chief Medical officer of Health for Nova Scotia.
He is in and out of court now for is wanton criminality ( my words).
He is a pathetic tyrant.
People across Canada and here in Nova Scotia have been through a tyrannical fake pandemic. People around me are propagandized and captured to this very day.
Job losses, suicides, deaths, broken homes and broken people are everywhere. Friendships, families and neighbors were and many still are not getting along.
But some are fighting the system in the courts! The Citizen's Alliance of Nova Scotia ( CANS) are doing just that.
William tells us all about the court cases going on in the province today.

7 days ago

Nazi's are back. It is clear now. 

Friday Sep 06, 2024
Music : The Defiant
   Bryan McPherson

Wednesday Sep 04, 2024 
The Defiant 1988 Doc: Stan Rogers

Monday Sep 02, 2024

Zahra Sethna is host of Collapse Life, a podcast and Substack I have recently discovered.Collapse Life is about a year old now. This is one of the best Substacks and podcast I have ever seen.
Collapse Life covers many of the same themes and topics that I do.Global Technocracy, Food and Food Systems, Health and Wellnessparadigms and recently she had on Jennifer Bilek, who one could call an expert in transhumanism - a subject near and dear to my podcast.
Zahra has a very interesting background ranging from working atthe United Nations as a sort of subcontractor for 10 years and working with the FLCCC as senior director of communications. The FLCCC is a medical organization started by a host of brilliant doctors including Pierre Cory and Paul Merik.
She has worked in the field of International development.Zahra is also a Journalist, which is why I think her podcast is so hard hitting with these major topics, her questions to her guests are very thoughtful and concise.
The topics covered are always well researched.Zahra is a professional, unlike my podcast where it's amateur hour,nah we have fun.
Zahra and I will be discussing why she left NYC pre pandemic to live a rural life, right here in NS where she and her husband became essentially homesteaders just like me!
I'm excited to learn these details, maybe she even lived near me!
I asked her to not tell me any of the Nova Scotia details until today for a nice local sort of typical Maritimer chit chat, and the kicker here is she fled this province once the medical jackboots came out, and covid maniatook hold of this once great country we call Canada. .....and she moved to Texas , right on the border with Mexico!
I am honored to have Zahra with me today.

Monday Sep 02, 2024

We go very deep into the meditative and spiritual process as a whole.
From The Galactic Federation of Light and Starseeds to Japanese Zen meditation.
We go over many aspects of the spiritual journey, and the wide array of beautiful religions, and new age practices, to channeling ascendant masters.
It is all a part of the Grand picture, of a world in transition. We essentially put to bed the whole Religion vs. Spirituality discussion/judgments some people hold onto. 
If a spiritual path works for YOU and YOU become a better, more loving person, it is THE RIGHT PATH.
This is a pivotal podcast episode for me, and I hope you glean something from our back and forth. At the very least, I hope you are entertained, as we really enjoyed each other's thoughts and perspectives in a very respectful and open manner. We both had a lot of fun as well!
I get a little misty eyed while speaking of my teacher. I was trained under some people, who were trained by people, all the way back the the Buddha himself in an unbroken lineage of 2500 years. It's a big deal for me to open up about my deepest beliefs. But Eden Koz is the perfect person to to so with.
I bow to Eden's awakened nature.
Eden Koz, Soul Realignment Specialist
In conducting this soul alignment work for decades, my own recent radical shifts have aligned with the huge Earth ascension that is going on as we speak. Combining my NDE, energy work, intuition, Christ Consciousness, empathy, meditation, mindfulness, psychic ability, Reiki, Akashic Records, mediumship, dimensions, parallel lives, the cosmos and more, my unique work heals a physical issue from acute to chronic down to discovering your place in the world and your true desires of the heart.
Connect with Eden:Website: or face-to-face sessions)Podcast: Just Be ~ Spiritual BOOM -
Merch: Eden Koz -
Facebook: Just Be - Just Be Eden Koz -
LinkedIn: Eden Koz - Just Be LLC - Eden Koz - Eden Koz - & Grassroots Warrior Network:

Saturday Aug 31, 2024

The Western World is in Crisis. We craft real solutions.This is PART 1 of this roundtable. Expect PART 2 very soon.
Francois Links ( and the Party)Get your solar generator here: : Francois YouTube Channel : Libertarian Part of New Brunswick on"X"
Matt's Links:"X" : @Matt_Archy :He and his wife do a very dynamic and fun show.Substack:


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